— Procedural By-Laws
Procedural By-Laws
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For this By-law and all other By-laws of the Board unless the context otherwise requires:
1.1.1. The singular includes the plural.
1.1.2. ACT means the Education Act as amended from time to time.
1.1.3. BOARD means the Moose Factory Island District School Area Board which, in accordance with the Act, is a public school board and represents the off-reserve portion of Moose Factory Island.
1.1.4. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE BOARD means a meeting of all Trustees in Committee and includes workshops for the purposes of retreats, Trustee orientation, or Trustee in-service, all of which are meetings open to the public unless in camera.
1.1.5. CHAIR means the Chair of the Board.
1.1.6. COMMITTEE means any statutory, special, advisory, or ad hoc Committee established by the Board.
commencing on the first day of September and ending on the last day of August next
of the votes of the Trustees present and entitled to vote.
Chair may cast the deciding vote.
majority shall be calculated as a simple majority of Trustees present and eligible to vote;
and where there is a provision for a majority of all Trustees, such majority shall be
calculated as a simple majority of all Trustees of the Board regardless of absences or
vacancies in the office.
than the first Tuesday in December for the Inaugural Meeting of the Board for the ensuing
year beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the evening.
prior to the first Board meeting in December.
as follows and as applicable.
Act and Regulations, including the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair.
2.2.2. The Trustees may, at the Inaugural or Annual Meeting, consider any other business that, in
the opinion of the Superintendent of Education, requires action by the Board as a matter of
shall be as follows:
made, the nominations shall be declared closed. In the case of single nomination,
if the nominee agrees to stand, the nominee is declared elected unanimously.
they wish to stand. If an acclamation does not occur, voting shall then be
conducted by secret ballot after each candidate has addressed the Board for no more
than five (5) minutes and after Trustees have been allowed to question each
candidate once.
shall reopen nominations.
if required.
shall be declared elected.
of Vice-Chair in the manner prescribed for the election of the Chair.
occurs in the Office of Chair, the Trustees shall elect one of themselves to be Chair.
occurs in the office of Vice-Chair, the Trustees shall elect one of themselves to be ViceChair.
shall apply.
on regular dates, as decided by the Board, with the exception of July and August.
Board, including an in camera meeting:
request of three trustees (quorum).
Board, including an in camera meeting, at a date and time fixed by the Chair.
Education Act and Ontario Regulation 463/97—Electronic Meetings, the Board shall
provide Trustees with the ability to participate in Board or Committee meetings using
electronic means.
(3) regular meetings of the Board during each year.
a meeting room of the Board for at least one (1) regular meeting of the Board during each
period of four (4) calendar months calculated from the date appointed to fill the vacancy to
the end of that year.
following persons shall be physically present in the boardroom and so recorded in the
following persons shall be physically present in the meeting room of the Committee and so
recorded in the minutes:
any Trustee, the Board shall provide the Trustee with electronic means of participating in
one (1) or more meetings of the Board or of a Committee of the Board, including the
Committee of the Whole Board. A request to participate by electronic means shall be made
to the Business Administrator no later than three (3) working days prior to the meeting in
present at the meeting and the minutes shall record the presence through electronic means
of each such Trustee.
in the meeting.
rules governing Conflict of Interest of Trustees.
means may verbally move or second a motion. This shall be recorded in the minutes of the
meeting by the Secretary of the Board or designate.
interrupted, the meeting shall be recessed for a period not exceeding thirty (30) minutes as
determined by the Chair of the meeting.
reconvened before the end of the recess provided in subsection
a) Subsection 3.7.5 shall apply if there is no quorum.
recess determined by the Chair of the meeting, and the name of any Trustee who
thereby ceases to be present.
governed by the rules of the Board related to meetings of the Board or Committees (as the
case requires).
camera, when necessary, may precede or follow the regular meeting of the Board, as
a motion which is decided without debate or amendment, resolves itself into Committee of
the Whole Board, the Chair or acting Chair will remain the Chair.
limiting the number of times a Trustee may speak.
to report progress, or to obtain the ruling of the Chair, with leave to sit again, and such
motion is always in order and shall be decided without debate.
subject to an appeal to the Committee of the Whole Board by any Trustee.
Board, without going back into Committee of the Whole Board for that purpose.
present shall preside at the meeting of the Board or Committee of the Whole.
Board shall be required, but a written or electronic reminder of each meeting shall be
circulated to each Trustee not less than forty-eight hours in advance of each meeting.
Board shall be given by delivery or by electronic means to each Trustee at least forty-eight
hours (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) prior to the time of the meeting.
shall state all business to be transacted or considered, and notwithstanding any other
By-law, no other business will be considered unless a majority of all Trustees are present
at the meeting and unanimously agree to consider other business. Notice is not required
for monitoring reports and other information items to be presented at the meeting.
and of the Committee of the Whole Board.
Committee of the Board, including an in camera meeting of the Committee of the Whole
meetings of the Committee.
the number of Trustees that constitutes a quorum is adjusted as directed by the Municipal
Conflict of Interest Act.
commencement, the meeting shall stand adjourned without any further formality.
consent of a majority of Trustees.
than three hours.
a majority of Trustees, a meeting may be extended beyond the limits otherwise provided.
the Committee of the Whole Board, may be held in camera when the subject matter under
consideration involves:
the Board or Committee, an employee or prospective employee of the Board or a pupil
or his or her parent or guardian;
these By-Laws.
practice of a current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern.
as follows:
2. Opening Prayer
3. Roll Call
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Approval of Minutes
6. Business Arising from Minutes
7. Business Administrator’s Report
8. Principal’s Report
9. Superintendent’s Report
10. New Business
11. Committee of the Whole
12. Information Items
13. Date and Time of Next Regular Board Meeting
14. Adjournment
provide for the adoption of the minutes of the Committee’s previous meeting.
The order of the agenda may be altered with the consent of a majority of Trustees.
The provisions of subsection 3.11 about the order of the agenda apply with necessary
The provisions of subsection
meeting of the Committee of the Whole Board.
in Board policy and must be contained under the agenda headings outlined in subsection
The following matters are appropriate items for the Board agenda:
b) a matter related to a Notice of Motion that was given at a prior meeting of the Board;
c) Committee reports to the Board;
d) a presentation given without debate;
e) a communication for receipt, referral, or both;
f) the adoption of the annual budget estimates of the Board;
g) a matter for which By-law or government policy must be decided by the Board;
h) a matter that a Trustee has requested to be placed on the agenda after the Trustee has
followed the Trustee Inquiry process outlined in subsection 3.17 of the By-Law;i) a matter that, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Education, requires action by the
Board as a matter of urgency; or
j) a matter sustained by the affirmative votes of the majority of all Trustees.
the Chair any issues related to a violation of Board policy.
directed to the Superintendent of Education.
b) Inquiries must be in sufficient detail to enable the Chair and/or Superintendent of
Education to respond in a reasonable manner;
c) Where appropriate, the Chair or Superintendent of Education may request that a
Trustee provide the inquiry in writing;
d) If, after receiving the information from the Chair and/or Superintendent of Education,
as appropriate, the Trustee believes the item should be raised with the Board, the
Trustee may request that the Chair place the item on the agenda of the next regular
meeting of the Board or Committee of the Whole Board or Committee of the Whole
Board in camera, as appropriate.
forty-eight hours in advance of such meeting.
accompanied by:
b) the full text of all notices of motion for consideration; and
c) copies of all administrator’s reports.
reminder of such meeting, shall be delivered electronically to each Committee member
forty-eight hours in advance of such meeting.
shall be five (5) working days (at 4:30 p.m.) preceding the meeting.
The Board agenda will provide for delegations, all of which shall comply with the following:
must contact the Secretary of the Board at least forty-eight hours before the Tuesday
preceding that meeting.
individual(s) who will appear as a delegation.
sufficient written copies of the presentation. The written material must be provided in
sufficient time for its inclusion in the agenda package.
spokesperson as the representative of any group delegation.
require that presentations be combined or may reduce the time of the presentations.
considered by the Committee of the Whole Board in camera, the Chair of the meeting shall
halt the presentation. The presentation may continue once the Board has resolved to move
into the Committee of the Whole Board in camera.
topic of presentation.
language at all times and the Chair of the meeting may expel or exclude from any meeting
any person(s) who engage in this or any other form of improper conduct.
copy of this section of the By-Law.
permitted to make inquiries under subsection 3.17, a Trustee shall not be permitted to
appear before the Board as a delegation.
matter that is personal to the speaker, there shall be no special restrictions.
the Board is a party, such submission shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions
of such collective agreement.
delegation, if any.
Trustee has a right to vote upon the agenda of a meeting of the Board. Such Notice of
b) shall be accompanied by an explanatory notice;
c) shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Board as per subsection 3.21 of the By-law;
d) shall, after its appearance on the agenda, be taken as read unless any Trustee requests
that it be read in full;
e) may be referred by resolution of the Board to a meeting of the Committee of the Whole
Board or an appropriate Committee; and
f) shall not be the subject of any debate or comment at the meeting at which it is
introduced unless consent is provided by a majority vote of all Trustees.
Motion on the agenda, the Trustee must have completed the trustee inquiry process as
outlined in subsection 3.17 of the By-Laws.
When the Board receives the school/Board administrator’s reports, the minutes of the meeting
at which the report is received shall expressly provide that the Board has received and
approved the reports as presented.
Any Trustee wishing to speak at a meeting shall await recognition by the Chair.
present and eligible to vote on the matter, with preference given to the following sequence:
the motion will be adopted in the absence of objection; or
b) by show of hands in the affirmative and in the negative.
through a motion that must be moved and seconded before being accepted by the Chair,
and approved by a majority vote of Trustees present and eligible to vote, using Robert’s
Rules of Order as and when necessary.
for the vote. The Chair shall call the name of each Trustee in turn, beginning with the
Trustee to the Chair’s immediate left. Each Trustee shall respond, indicating whether the
Trustee’s vote is in favor or opposed to the matter under discussion, or if the Trustee is
abstaining from voting, and each such vote or abstention shall be recorded in the minutes.
5.5.1. Any matter which has been decided upon by the Board shall not be placed on the agenda of
the Board during the same calendar year unless:
year, and failed;
b) a motion to reconsider the matter is made by a Trustee who voted on the prevailing side
of the motion sought to be reconsidered; or
c) by an affirmative vote of the majority of all Trustees of the Board entitled to vote
5.6.1. A motion to reconsider is debatable and once adopted, places before the Trustees the
original motion on which the vote is to be reconsidered. The Trustees may:
b) amend the original motion and vote on the amended motion; or
c) make a motion to rescind the original motion.
meeting, the Trustee shall act in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
the general nature thereof;
b) shall not take part in the discussion of, or vote on any question in respect of the matter;
c) shall not attempt in any way whether before, during, or after the meeting to influence
the voting on any such question.
meeting during which the matter is under consideration.
from the meeting at which the matter was considered, the Trustee shall disclose the interest
and otherwise comply with requirements of subsection
by the Trustee.
by the Board is encouraged to abstain.
and ad-hoc Committees that are consistent with the Act and Regulations.
delegated such power, but then only to the extent of, and subject to the express conditions
and limitations imposed upon the Committee, in such delegation.
established under this Article shall be consistent with the Act and shall be approved by the
Board, and, within this context:
the other provisions of the Board By-Laws with necessary modifications;
c) No Trustee shall be a member of a Committee where the Trustee has or is likely to have
a Conflict of Interest.
The Officers of the Board shall be:
b) the Vice-Chair;
c) the Superintendent shall also be the Secretary of the Board;
d) the Business Administrator shall hold the office of Treasurer of the Board and, when
exercising such office, shall be known as the Treasurer of the Board.
a) preside at all meetings of the Board and at all meetings of the Committee of the Whole
b) be a signing officer of the Board as prescribed in the By-laws;
c) approve the draft agenda of the Board Meetings;
d) be a member ex-officio of all Board Committees;
e) perform all other functions required of the Chair of a school board, and those expressly
delegated to the Chair by the Board; and may:
call Special Meetings of the Board;
issue statements to the public media on behalf of the Board; and
expel or exclude from any meeting any person who has been guilty of improper
conduct at the meeting.
The Vice-Chair, in addition to those duties assigned under provincial legislation, Board
policy, and these By-laws shall:
a) in the absence of the Chair, or in the event of the inability of the Chair to act, assume any or
all of the duties of the Chair, except those which are precluded by law, By-Law or
regulation; and whenever the Vice-Chair assumes any duty of the Chair, the absence or
inability to act of the Chair shall be conclusively presumed;
b) be a signing officer of the Board as prescribed in the By-laws; and
c) perform all other functions required of the Vice-Chair of a school board, and those
expressly delegated to the Vice-Chair by the Board.
delegating interpretation and implementation to the Superintendent of Education. In
addition to those duties assigned under provincial legislation, Board policy, and these
By-laws, the Superintendent of Education is the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief
Education Officer of the school system. The Superintendent of Education:
b) may use any reasonable interpretation of the Board’s Vision, Mission, and Values
policy, Strategic Directions and Key Priorities, and Delegation of Authority policies;
c) is authorized to establish all administrative procedures, make all decisions, take all
actions, establish all practices and develop all activities; and
d) shall also hold the office of Secretary of the Board and, when exercising such office,
shall be known as Secretary of the Board.
under the provincial legislation and the by-laws, shall:
b) prepare minutes of all meetings;
c) keep records as required by law and subject to the directions of the Board;
d) conduct the official correspondence of the Board;
e) receive and pass on to the Board, Committee of the Whole Board or the relevant
Committee, all correspondence, petitions, and reports of other officials;
f) prepare, in consultation with the appropriate Chair, the draft agenda of all meetings of
the Board, the Committee of the Whole Board and each Committee;
g) maintain an up-to-date policy manual;
h) maintain charge of all correspondence, reports and other documents;
i) promulgate all orders, policies and other directions of the Board and other matters in
accordance with requirements of the law;
j) act as the “head” of the organization for the purpose of the Municipal Freedom of
Information and Protection of Privacy Act; and
k) bring to the attention of the Board any matter in respect of which, in the opinion of the
Secretary, it may be necessary or useful for the Board to be aware.
legislation, Board policy, and otherwise in the By-laws, shall:
accordance with the provisions of the Education Act;
b) submit to the Board annually a statement of estimated revenue and expenditures;
by the Board;
d) through the Superintendent of Education, report annually to the Board particulars of
existing insurance and fidelity bonds expiring during the year with recommendations
for renewal; and
e) through the Superintendent of Education, report annually to the Board from time to
time and as requested by the Board on all financial matters.
Unless prohibited by law, the Board may at any time, upon a majority vote of all Trustees of
the Board, remove any officer(s) of the Board.
The office of any Trustee that becomes vacant shall be filled in a manner which complies with
the requirements of the Education Act.
of all Meetings of the Board and of all Committee of the Whole Board meetings.
Treasurer of the Board, or such other officials as the Superintendent or the Treasurer may
from time to time designate in writing.
corporate seal of the Board, shall be signed by the Chair and the Business Administrator.
bank shall be signed by the Chair or Vice-Chair, and by the Treasurer of the Board.
9.1.5. Documents covering routine matters, or otherwise not requiring to be executed under the
corporate seal of the Board, shall be signed by the Superintendent of Education or such
other officials as the Superintendent of Education may from time to time designate in
bankers for the Board, but for credit only of the account of the Board, all or any cheques,
promissory notes, drafts, acceptances, bills of exchange, and orders for the payment of
accordance with the provisions of the Education Act.
The Business Administrator shall be responsible for affixing the corporate seal of the Board to
such instruments as require the same.
Signatures of persons authorized to sign cheques, drafts, or orders for payment drawn on bank
accounts of the Board may be mechanically reproduced.
In order to provide Trustees with the opportunity to make informed decisions, Board policy
will be approved and changed using the processes contained in this Article.
Board (such meeting hereinafter referred to as the “later meeting”) upon the affirmative
vote of the majority of Trustees of the Board entitled to vote thereon, provided:
held prior to the later meeting;
b) The text and a brief statement of the intended purpose of the policy or amendment shall
have been included in the notice; and
c) The text of the policy or amendment as presented at the meeting is substantially the
same as the text set out in the notice.
the matter at the meeting at which the matter is introduced; or
b) It is a matter that, in the opinion of the Superintendent of Education, requires action by
the Board as a matter of urgency and a majority of all Trustees approve the policy or
policy change.
meeting hereinafter referred to as the “later meeting”) upon the affirmative vote of the
majority of all Trustees of the Board, provided:
to the later meeting;
b) The text and a brief statement of the intended purpose of the amendments shall have
been included in the notice; and
c) The text of the amendment as presented at the meeting is substantially the same as the
text set out in the notice.
subsection 11.1 of the By-law.