2015-2016 School Year Calendar

Please find attached the 2015-2016 School Year Calendar which has received formal approval from the Ministry of Education. There are 188 Instructional Days and 6 Professional Activity Days.

The first day of school for students in Tuesday, September 1st 2015.

 The last day of school for students will be on Wednesday, June 29th 2016.

The School Year Calendar outlines important dates throughout the school year including Holidays (H), Christmas, March Break and Board Holidays (B), and Professional Activity Days (P). There will be no school for students on those days.

Our dedicated team of Teachers, Educational Assistants, Support Staff, Administration, and Board of Trustees continue to focus on improving student achievement, achieving positive and respectful learning and working environment, and developing community engagement and pride – our strategic priorities for providing the best possible education system for all of our students at Ministik School.

We continue to provide parents/guardians with the option of withdrawing student(s) for hunting or cultural breaks as they deem appropriate for their individual families. Please be sure to notify the school office if your child(ren) will not be at school. If/when a student is not attending school as a result of hunting and cultural breaks, s/he will not be marked absent.  In consultation with the school Principal, Vice-Principal, Classroom Teacher and Parents/Guardians, homework or learning packages may be provided to the student for up to 3 school days, meeting the learning needs of the student during their absence from the classroom.

Parents/Guardians are valued partners in the education of our students. Thank you for your ongoing support.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the school office (705-658-4535) or the school board office (705-658-4571)

2015-16 School Year Calendar Approved Final