Inclement Weather

Inclement Weather

Weather WidgetMoose Factory, Ontario

light snow, 17 January-10 °C


snow, 18 January-7 °C


light snow, 19 January-20 °C


overcast clouds, 20 January-25 °C


overcast clouds, 21 January-30 °C

Weather Related Information

If buses are cancelled, a post will be shared as soon as possible (usually before 8 am) on our school Facebook page or you can view the Facebook feed directly from our website without giong to Facebook. 

FACEBOOK Feed on our Website:  Facebook Feed

FACEBOOK:  Moose Factory Ministik School

In the event of a bus cancellation, the school will remain OPEN to staff and students.

However, Parents & Caregivers are encouraged to use their parental discretion when making the decision to keep your children home or send them to school.

If you choose to send your kids to school, be sure to make transportation arrangements for your child(ren) to return home at the end of the school day.